Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The Green Bar - Study Skills

Open a document in Kurzweil. I selected the “Saving the California Condor document

Next, close all the other tool bars so that the study skill section is by itself.

To use highlighter materials, go to the desired colour pen and drag it to the words.

If you make a mistake, don’t worry. You can erase the highlighted words by selecting the erase icon (represented by an eraser at the end of a pencil).

Continue erasing…

Now for some cool features of Kurzweil that we can all use for our students.

Study notes allows a teacher to add information that may help a student have a better understanding of a concept.

Go to the Tools on the main tool bar. Scroll down to “Note” and select “Add Footnote”.

You can enter your footnote into the area at the bottom of your screen.

The student will see the footnote icon.

The student can access the footnote by clicking on the icon

You can delete the footnote by clicking on the icon, returning to “Tools” , selecting “Notes” and then ”Delete footnote”.

Features I particularly appreciate are “sticky” and “bubble” notes. To create, go back to “Tools” and “Note”, and then to “Add Sticky Note”.

You can add items such as questions to enrich understanding.

Or you could use a bubble note. The steps are the same as for the sticky note.

Bubble notes are useful since the student can also write in them. To illustrate, I created a sticky note for s student to demonstrate his or her understanding of a concept.

When the student reads the text, a bubble note will appear with the question and a space for the answer.

A teacher could use bubble notes for true/false questions.

A teacher could also use Kurzweil to give students multiple choice questions.

A bubble note has the addition function of permitting a teacher to ask a student to write a sentence or two while reading the text.

A teacher may want to write a note or two for a student that is pasted on the text. Go to the "tools", "note". then "text note".

The student will see the note as he or she reads the text.

Hope you have lots of success as you venture into the power of Kurzweil!

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